Clearing Out Brain Fog & Zoom Fatigue

It’s 3 PM and my brain has officially decided it no longer wants to work today. After sitting on back-to-back Zoom calls and looking at the same four walls five days a week, it can definitely be a struggle staying focused and motivated. Although I love the flexibility that comes with remote work, I have noticed that constantly being glued to a computer screen actually shortens the amount of time that I’m able to be productive and it is crucial for me to find ways to give my brain (and eyes) a break to clear the brain fog and shake off the Zoom fatigue. Whether that be blocking off calendar time just to meditate for 15 minutes or taking the time between meetings to have a quick dance break to the new Normani, take those moments to give your brain the break it deserves.

Oftentimes people think that if you can't focus or think straight, that the answer is to try to push through it and work anyway. I believe that in doing that you only do yourself a disservice, and often end up producing underwhelming work that is just as bad as if you had not done it at all. In my experience, my best ideas are birthed in the moments when I am clear, well-rested, and actually excited to do the work. Now I will say that I am a bit of a workaholic and it is hard for me to just let valuable time pass without being productive in any way. In those moments where my mind feels like it is running out of fuel but I still want to get something done, I’ll pivot, and focus on tasks that may take me a long time to do, but doesn’t require me too much actual brainpower. Don’t feel guilty when your brain needs a break, put the pen down and do what you need to do to clear that fog and get back on track.

-Aleisha Baker