The Couture Agency - Meet Demia

What’s your “I am Tiger, Hear Me Roar” song?

I have a few -” I’m Every Woman” by Whitney Houston, “Workout Plan” by Kanye West, and “You’re Going to Love Me,” J-Hud version.


What’s your go-to breakfast?

Oatmeal … sigh * I wish I could say something exotic like meaty breakfast bruschetta or French toast kabobs, but it would be a lie. lol. I grew up in Chicago where it is cold 2/3 of the year, and my mom always cooked oatmeal because she said it would “stick to your bones”.  So, let’s just say, this tradition truly did “stick.”


Ask your best friend to describe you in 3 words:

“Vibrant, Creative, Beautiful” and “Vivacious, Blessed, Tenacious”


What are you most proud of?

My book, The Audacity of Beauty


You can only watch one film for the rest of your life. What is it?

… Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella … yep, the one with Brandy and Whoopi Goldberg … I know every single word to every song. 


What’s the best discovery you’ve ever made?
Dove soap! I had troubled skin as a teenager (because what teen doesn’t?), and my dad suggested that I use Dove soap! Let me tell you - This soap has done wonders for my skin! People ask me all the time what I use on my face, and my beauty regimen is so simple, a bar of Dove soap!


What’s your favorite smell?

My baby! She smells like cupcakes and clouds!


What would you tell your 12-year-old self?

Everything about you is beautiful. Your skin, your mind, your personality. Don’t ever accept people’s negativity into your life!


Currently Reading?

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living by Jen Sincero.


A few of your favorite things…

(surprise) Pockets in dresses and skirts, puppy breath, Home Goods, Italy, Indian and Soul food (this would be a fantastic fusion restaurant), and my all-time favorite… Noa Lillie, my daughter.