Top 3 Tik-Tok Trends That Actually May Be Worth Trying

Like most people, I wrap up many of my nights by cutting off the TV, rolling under the covers and kicking off my nightly scroll through TikTok. Social media moves so quickly and TikTok seems to move at lightning speed with different sounds, dances and trends going viral every other day. Some are strictly for the young folks and others are straight up silly, but all of them are entertaining and fun for everyone looking for an escape from the monotony of everyday life. Here are three of the top TikTok trends this week that actually may be worth trying for those of us who don’t have the knees or the patience to pick up the latest dance moves or risk our lives pranking a stranger.

  • “My Ancestors” - Example: Our ancestors are not impressed. Use this trend to point out modern-day things your ancestors would be embarrassed or disappointed by. 

  •  “Teenage Look” - Example: Posting a video to this sound with this filter, showing your reaction to seeing a teenage version of yourself.

  • “Smart Ways to Live” - Example: The audio piggybacks off the success of the Dumb Ways to Die’s TikTok account, which posts clips of people about to make a *big* mistake. Many users created their own version of the trend, which has evolved into “Smart Ways to Live” – a trend centered around people showcasing tips, tricks, and shortcuts (life hacks, if you will).

Happy Scrolling!