Finding Your Passion

When I was a child, I can remember being asked, “what do you wanna be when you grow up?” Although some of us were lucky to know exactly what we wanted to do since we picked up a stethoscope in our playroom, that isn’t common amongst the mass majority of people. For a lot of us, it took twists and turns, odd jobs and hundreds of conversations with our most trusted friends and we STILL don’t know if we are doing what we were put on this earth to do. Sometimes I think we tend to overthink it, believing that it always must be something bigger and better than what we are currently doing. Or, we end up comparing our goals and journeys to the people around us or to what we see on social media. 

What we often fail to realize is that it is okay to not know what you want to do next or what your end goal is. Where you are today is exactly where you are supposed to be and putting excess pressure on yourself to figure out your next move is usually blocking you from learning the lessons you are supposed to be learning in your current position. Whether you can’t decide what field you want to get into or are considering switching careers, it is okay not to know what’s next. Also, I hate to shake the table here but there is no such thing as the end and you aren’t a failure if you don’t make every dream you had unfold in the way you thought it would. Your life, your wants and your needs will change and evolve over time. As long as you never stay stagnant and are always looking forward, your passion will find you exactly where you are when the time is right.

-Aleisha Baker