Treating Yourself vs. Doing Too Much

How often do you find yourself agonizing over saving extra money or splurging on those new shoes because “you deserve it”? As a working woman, I think we all run into this dilemma because after juggling work, friendships, relationships, kids, and our own mental health, we do in fact deserve to treat ourselves! However, it is important to consider that part of treating ourselves is also being disciplined and making decisions that our future selves will thank us for. In general, I find that people tend to start making more money and then start spending more money, and as a result, they never actually end up in a better position than they were before. If I get a raise, which allows me to no longer live check to check, and then decide to get a more expensive car or move into a bigger apartment because I “can afford it now,” wouldn't that put me back into the predicament of living check to check? I would categorize that as “doing too much.” Now treating myself would be buying myself the new Anima Iris bag I’ve had my eye on, and then taking my newfound cushion money and putting it in my savings. I get to give myself something I want and also put my future self in a better position. 

Although I know the temporary satisfaction that comes with moving into that luxury apartment or leasing that new Benz seems enticing, I know the long-term gratification that comes with knowing I have a safety net and being able to invest in myself and my future will feel even better. To avoid getting caught in the financial hamster wheel, I’ve gotten into the routine of paying my bills as soon as I have the money to do so, then putting a chunk into my savings, and THEN treating myself with whatever is leftover. I also made the decision that I will never deprive myself, but I will be disciplined enough to compromise where I can. I can move into a bigger apartment without needing the penthouse unit, I can get a new bag without choosing one that would cost half of my credit limit. While I understand that life is short and we all must give ourselves the world before anyone else will, we must remember to find the balance and play the long game. 

Actually winning>just looking like I’m winning.

-Aleisha Baker