Learning to Love the Lows

Do you ever feel like nothing in your life is going right? Your friends are being cagey and petty, you can’t seem to keep your head above water at work, and you’ve given up on updating your Hinge profile. My mom once told me that life is made up of peaks and valleys, and I’m sure everyone can agree that the valleys suck. It’s hard to stay hopeful in those low moments, it’s hard to remember that all storms pass eventually. 

Although it may be cliche, going through those rough patches in life is crucial to our growth. Would you really appreciate that promotion if you didn't once go through moments of feeling like maybe this job was too hard for you? Would your dream relationship make your heart burst as much as it does if you didn’t learn to love yourself first during those Friday nights alone? There is growth that comes from pain, and nothing, including you and me, can grow without rain. So learn to love those low moments, grow through what you go through. The next peak is just around the corner.

-Aleisha Baker