Social Media and Mental Health

How often do you find yourself waking up and immediately grabbing your phone? Is it every day? Does your mind race when you find yourself away from your phone just a little too long, wondering if you have missed text messages or Instagram notifications? The reality is, you’re not alone. As technology advances and apps become more accessible and mainstream, many people find that their phones are nearly glued to their hands. Most people enjoy mindlessly scrolling on Twitter and Facebook; they’re not looking for anything in particular, but they’re catching up on what is going on in the world. However, it is this mindlessness that also causes it to be a problem, as social media is nearly addicting.

Like any other addiction, there are downsides to constantly being on social media. While social media posts typically portray people as happy and confident, the opposite has been found to be true. This study shows that the more people used Facebook overtime, the less satisfied they felt in life. Granted, this could be because people are turning to social media when they are not feeling their happiest, but at the same time, it is isolating to not actually interact with others. 

When using social media, make sure you are genuinely building connections and keeping in touch with others. Don’t just like pictures of people you look up to and then close the app! If you find yourself comparing your life to those on your timeline, tell yourself to snap out of it. Keep yourself engaged with others to reduce that sense of isolation, and remember: their life is not always as it seems. In fact, take note of the accounts that you are following. Do their posts make you feel down about yourself? That is not the kind of energy you need in your life. Add some positivity to your timeline and don’t forget to take social media breaks. If you like reading about the latest tea, grab what you need from social media and log out. It might take time to adjust, but it is okay to disconnect every once in a while, or as often as you need. 

There are plenty of other ways to occupy your time and feel good about yourself while doing so. Start developing that business plan you’ve been talking about, grab the book that’s collecting dust on the shelf, or use your designated social media time to go for walks. Spend your energy wisely.

-Imani Reed